Udo’s 3•6•9 Oil Blend is an award-winning foundational oil that provides both essential fatty acids, Omega 3 and Omega 6, in the ratio of 2:1. It is made exclusively with 100% sustainable, organic, non-GMO, plant-based ingredients.
The production of Udo’s 3•6•9 Oil Blend begins with careful selection of raw materials from organic flax, sesame and sunflower seeds, as well as organic coconut, evening primrose, rice bran and oat bran oil.
To maximize the stability, nutritional value and freshness, the seeds are pressed with gentle mechanical pressing method (without refining, bleaching and deodorizing) in a low heat, light and oxygen-free environment.
Serving Suggestion
Drizzle on salad or mix with food.
Flaxseed oil*, sunflower seed oil*, sesame seed oil*, virgin coconut oil*, evening primrose seed oil*, soy lecithin*, rice bran oil*, oat bran oil*, mixed tocopherols. *Organic
Every 30ml contains
Monounsaturated fatty acids | 6g |
Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA Omega 3) Linoleic acid (LA Omega 6) |
13g 6g |
Saturated fatty acids | 3g |
- 保证新鲜:采用有机种籽压榨出来的新鲜油脂,在生产后的24个小时内,立即装瓶,以确保油脂的新鲜度。
- 平衡比例的2:1:1(3.6.9)必须脂肪酸。
- 获得最佳有机食品和必须脂肪酸辅助品的11个Alive金章。已在市场超过14年,在欧洲、亚洲、中东和澳洲等20个国家都有分销处。
- 鼓励与膳食一起食用。可加入水果或蔬菜沙拉、 蛋白质饮料、 优格,、苹果泥、果汁、水蒸蔬菜、饭类、面食、烤马铃薯或马铃薯泥
- 不能用于煎,烤或其他高温食品。
- 刚开始食用者,建议先从每天一汤匙(15毫升),再逐步增加到每25公斤(体重)食用一汤匙的份量。
这个安排是为了确保快递服务不会将我们的包裹放到他们的仓库中超过一个星期,并且我们想确保您的Udo's Oil处于新鲜状态。